Pagination vs. infinite scroll. Which is better for your website?

In the world of web design, there are many ways to present content to users. Two popular solutions are pagination and infinite scrolling. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and the correct choice depends on the context and user needs. In this article, we'll discuss both approaches and help you decide which one is right for your project.


Pagination is a method of dividing content into smaller parts that are available on separate pages. Users navigate between them using page numbers or arrows. Pagination is often used on article pages, search results pages, and product catalogs.

Advantages of pagination

  • Easier navigation : Pagination allows users to easily return to previous pages and navigate between them.
  • Better control : The user knows how many pages he has to navigate to see all the content.
  • Less server load : Since the page only loads a certain number of items at a time, the server is not overloaded.

Pagination defects

  • Can be tiring : Frequent clicking and navigating between pages can be irritating for the user.
  • Slower browsing : Navigating between pages takes time to load new content.

Infinite scrolling

Infinite scrolling works by automatically loading more items as the user reaches the end of the page. This way of presenting content is popular on sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

Advantages of infinite scroll

  • Faster browsing : Users can scroll through content without waiting for new pages to load.
  • More Engagement : Infinite scrolling can increase users' time on the page because they always have something new to browse.

Disadvantages of infinite scrolling

  • Lack of control : Users are unaware of how much more they need to scroll through to see everything.
  • Higher server load : Automatically loading new items may overload the server.


The choice between pagination and infinite scroll depends on the context, user needs, and business goals. Here are some things to consider when making your decision:

  1. Content type : If your site contains content that requires concentration, such as articles or reports, pagination may be more appropriate. Infinite scrolling, however, works well for light content such as images or short posts.
  2. Business goal : If your site's goal is to increase user engagement, infinite scrolling may be a better solution. For pages that are intended to help users find specific information, pagination may be more appropriate.
  3. Technical support : Pagination is easier to implement and use, which may be important if technical resources are limited. Infinite scrolling may require more effort to ensure smooth operation and optimize performance.
  4. Accessibility : Please note that infinite scrolling may make content difficult to access for people using screen readers or other assistive technology. Pagination is usually more friendly to people with disabilities. NN Group also writes about the importance of accessibility in design on its blog.
  5. Data analysis : Pagination allows for easier analysis of data such as page views rather than infinite scrolling. If data analysis is crucial to your website, consider choosing pagination.

In summary, the choice between pagination and infinite scroll depends on your individual needs and project context. There is no clear solution that will work in all cases. The key to success is to understand user needs, business goals and technical constraints, and then choose the content presentation method that best meets these requirements.

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